Morning Marketing Mindsets | Gary Vaynerchuk Marketing Mindset

This week our overall theme is Gary Vaynerchuk.
Marketing is always changing. As marketing changes Mindsets evolve. When you listen to great marketers they always talk about mindset. Listen this week and learn how you can apply the mindsets Gary Vaynerchuk talks about in his new book #AskGaryVee into your own  life. Get to know Gary Vaynerchuk.

Some things work and others don’t. No matter how successful you become you are still going to fail at things. Failure is just a way to figure out what doesn’t work. If something is not going to destroy your business just get it out there and if it fails, learn from it and move on.

Do you have a clear big vision for where you want to be? Many people have this vision and don’t know how to get there. Working in the clouds and in the dirts means having a clear vision and taking steps to get there, and nothing in between. Running a business and changing the world is not for everyone, but if it is what you want you need to have a big vision and know how to get there – The clouds and dirt.

Think about the happiest time in your life, is it right now? If not you need to pickup up Gary’s new book #AskGaryVee. This is one of the most precious mindsets to have, especially when you become successful. Enjoy becoming successful because we don’t know what’s going to happen. If right now is the happiest you don’t have to worry about failure

Stop judging people. When we judge people we are wasting time and mental energy. We look at others and try to figure out why they are successful but there is no way we can know what makes someone successful. You can learn from other businesses but you need to apply what fits into your business.