It’s been an intense week but also a week of great conversations.
Today, I was speaking to Bryan Marshall of Projjex about their marketing. We have had a lot of talk about leveraging technology but also keeping a human face. Projjex is dead smack in the middle of it. They are an incredible Online Project Management Software Company along with a CRM. What makes them incredible is not just their technology but the fact they adjusted to a real life relationship company. It’s the only company, among the many, that I felt held up the promise of real contact.
I spoke to Bryan about Seth Godin. Anyone that knows me knows about Seth. The guy is a genius in the truest sense of the word. I told Bryan, “Read Him”.
Seth recently released a book “Poke The Box” and was interviewed on NPR. I am a geek and that was like watching a “World Premiere Video” on MTV.
Today , on the way over to My Sister’s house I heard some NPR phone in comments about how manufacturing has gone over seas and Seth has it all wrong. That we need to learn about the atrocities going in overseas industrialism.
The problem is we are children and grand children of the Industrial Age, and more importantly, the assembly line. Getting mega rich was about doing it just like everyone else just cheaper. But I believe Seth has it right. The Information Revolution has overtaken the Industrial Revolution. With perfect information everyone CAN ask “Why?” and get a good Answer. Why does my product have to appeal to everyone? Why does every widget have to be identical? Why DO we have to be industrial and let the Industrial Titans rule us?
The reason.
Because we didn’t ask Why? enough.
Do it. Ask Why. Poke the Box. I think you might feel a little uncomfortable but after you get over that, you’ll smile.