QOD: “Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.” — Eckhart Tolle

People (Americans in particular) are at a crisis. We are bombarded with visions of perfection and overnight success like  Dot Com billionaires finding gold right under their noses. We also now don’t have to wait for anything, especially information.  Put that together and it’s a recipe to take every second too seriously.

The true problem is when we allow not so serious problems to take over our mind.  How can you be successful at anything when you are worried about everything?  We as humans have the capabilities to do whatever we want, more so now then ever.

Decide on what you feel is success, know that the definition will change, and par attention to that all of the truly great things around you.  I know you have heard this before, but it’s a practice. Realize that if you have a place to sleep you are lucky.  If you have enough food to eat you are very lucky. If you are surrounded by loving fun people, The Ultimate Life is nearly fulfilled. Still you need to accomplish things to feel fulfilled.

This you should do but not take so seriously. Balancing achievement and not taking things too seriously is a practice. But it’s a fun practice.

Practice smiling when things go wrong.

Practice thinking about what success looks like.

Practice failing and getting up.

Practice. Practice. Practice.