Starting a New Project : Down with the Disservice Professionals

I am an entrepreneur.  I love to take the skills I have, the assets and create something that people use. I also love to help other professionals and entrepreneurs.  When I say I love it, I mean it in every sense of the word.  It’s actually a problem because I give away my advice and services too often.

I love helping people that provide a service and genuinely love what they do, and care about their accomplishments, More importantly the service professionals I work with love how those accomplishments help others.  The problem is that really great service professionals are like me, and they often want to just do these things and imporve how they do them, and not do the things that bring in the business.

Disservice Professionals running amuck

Then, there is the other side of the coin.  There are great marketers that want to churn through the business, and will tell you about every accomplishment, even if it is not really an accomplishment.  They bombard you, and push the limits of ethics and decency and good taste.  These “Disservice Professionals” are about the buck and studies have actually certain Disservice Professionals that shall go un named shown a propensity for sociopathy.  In their wake Disservice Pros provide short and long term harm to clients and their professions.

The New Project to Help Those That Really Need It

I have had this new project on my mind for a while, and it is time.  I have started. Design haas started. Planning and implementation.  I have not seen anything like it out there, but I have both a personal and professional stake in it.


I hate vague rambling blog posts, but I am using this blog as more of a journal for the short term for my new project.  If you want hardcore to do’s, head over to Authentic Web for info on tips and informationon Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, website design and internet marketing in general.