Online Video, SEO, Websites, Social Media, Radio, TV, Direct Mail are all medium. The Story of you and your business is what matters. Get that down and all you have to do is slightly reformat for the medium.
Read this article by the incredibly motivating Steven Pressfield, author of one of favorite books, The War of Art. He refers to Kevin Spacey’s recent speech, who in turn refers to Sir David Leans speech and how Hollywood is cannibalizing itself.
Netflix can teach you a lesson about how to Market Your Business
“It’s not the medium, it’s the story” Kevin Spacey says. He is referring to how outlets like Netflix are winning the battle for our attention in mass media. The big studios, the big media companies are languishing in trying to remake what was just popular. These giants end up making hacked up trite, while Netflix keeps pushing the envelope and getting more of our attention. Kevin S also says “It’s the creatives stupid”.
“It’s the story stupid”
You are thinking, “I don’t have creatives like Netflix.” You’re right, because you don’t need them. You have plenty of your own real life stories about you and your business. Real life, your authentic life, is so full of twists and turns that you just need to pay attention. The problem is you are paying attention to what worked for someone else, and not to where your real story lies. You are not seeing what is resonating in your clients. Stop being afraid to tell your real, quirky, not for everyone story and everything else will fall into place.