Morning Marketing Mindsets | Storytelling Mindset

This week our overall theme will be the Storytelling Mindset.

A good story can be recalled at any time. Many people just don’t understand that we, as people, remember and connect to stories, not facts. Learning how to tell a good story will greatly improve your marketing, because at the end of the day while people may not care about you, they will remember and care about your story.

Authenticity is a difficult thing to think about. When we talk about authenticity and telling a story, remember your stories don’t have to be a tell all to be authentic.

Learn how to view authenticity in a new way to tell your unique stories.

Truly memorable stories are almost always tailored to a specific person, the same should be true for your stories.
Discover who your ideal client is and what stories will speak to them.

When storytelling, knowing the situation beyond the story is just as important as the story itself. Situations change and warrant changes in your story. Understand what is going on in your ideal clients world and you’ll learn how to tell a story to the situation.

Sometimes, as business owners, we forget where we came from.
What was your story when you were at your worst?
Telling personal stories let our clients see we are human and can make mistakes, but also shows how we have overcome and grown to where we are now.
Learn to use this to your advantage and embrace the stories that made you who you are.