I think everyone at some point in life has aspired to be famous, and I know you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t.
To many, they want to be famous for vanity purposes.
But to some like Gary Vee, Tim Ferris, and similar people, they’re in it to provide value to many.
That is why many like to refer to them as “Thought Leaders”…
Thus, making them famous in their own little communities.
In this episode, you will be taught the Step-By-Step Hype Strategy to Getting Micro-Famous by Michael Schein.
You’ll discover:
- The WINS Method: A Unique Way to Measure Marketing
- The Step-By-Step Method to Becoming Micro-Famous
- The Micro-Famous Mindset
If you’re in the business of selling ideas, I’m talking about consultancies, agencies, books, and anything else similar to these,
There is only one way to market yourself: by working on being a significant figure in your industry.
This not only helps you get your voice out there but also builds your credibility as a thought leader, bringing you more prospects in the long term.
This may sound easy, but trust me…
There are a ton of entrepreneurs out there struggling to hype their own businesses.
Read everything carefully and try to grasp every detail of this episode.
Because as you go through the steps, you will learn exactly how you could become Micro-Famous.
Step 1: The 12 Hype Strategies
Running a Hype campaign requires the team to start from scratch.
That is why according to Michael, MicroFame Media follows 12 Hype Strategies as their base to start their experiment.
“If you extract the light content itself, there are these meta principles that work over and over, over again, because human beings are designed to see the world in a way that lets us kind of survive and spread our genes to make mental shortcuts, not in an accurate way,” Michael said.
In other words, the 12 Hype Strategies work ALL THE TIME.
Having him mention one of his strategies called the “Make War Not Love” strategy really caught my attention during our conversation.
“It basically means you need to draw a line in the sand and take a bold stand against a dominant idea and your niche”
Just like what they say, the best way to sell something is to tap on the human emotions.
And doing this is a really good way to grind their gears and keep them at the edge of their seats while they sip on their daily cup of tea.
Step 2: Experimentation
The experimentation process is simple yet requires a lot of understanding of the consumer’s psychology.
In this process, 3 of the 12 Hype Strategies would be selected and be combined to maximize the potential of hitting the right type of content that works for the audience.
This is where Michael’s team takes into consideration the W.I.N.S. Measurement to understand what type of Hype Strategy they would use.
W stands for Willingness. Is this something that your company is willing to do?
I stands for Intensity. Is this something that would keep people fired up as they watch your content?
N stands for Next Step. After putting out a certain type of content, is this something that would lead to more steps?
S stands for Sustainability. Is there a way to systematize this to keep it running for a long time?
After having the W.I.N.S. Measurement, the combination would then be decided for the best output.
Step 3: Double Down
During the experimentation process, at least one type of content should stand out.
“We keep doing this and going through the hype strategies until we find one that just is wow. Like, wow, this thing has traction. We have to jump on this. And then we just throw our resources into it, you know, and really blow it up”
The team would double down on this type of content to scale on the hype that would then drive attention and customers to the company.
BONUS: The Right Mindset
To succeed in this process, it is important to move fast and fail fast.
What I mean by that is that you should never be too fixated on one idea just to get it working.
Instead, focus on going wide to find the one thing that works, and doubling down on that.
Learn more about Micro-Fame and how Michael Schein and his team helped the Medici Group break the ceiling of their Micro-Fame progress at the Garlic Marketing Show.
Watch the full episode now, and make sure to leave any questions or comments you have about the episode.
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