How SegMetrics Saved a Company from Losing 80% of Their Leads in One Email, with Founder Keith Perhac

Remember that time when you ran your marketing campaign and wondered why it wasn’t working? It took you hours looking through your metrics just to figure out what the heck was going on.


Apparently, that’s a thing of the past now.


Because on this episode of the Garlic Marketing Show, Keith Perhac, the founder of SegMetrics, talks about how he got to build a software that helped one of his clients SAVE 80% OF THEIR LEADS that would have gone straight down the drain while running a marketing funnel.



In this episode, you will discover:

  • ONE mistake that marketers make that ruin their funnels
  • The importance of a ‘We F***** UP’ email
  • How to backtrack these mistakes with this TRACKING TIP


But of course, before we proceed, don’t forget that this episode is brought to you by And If you need help collecting, crafting, and delivering customer stories, click the link right here.


Everyone Looks at the Top and Bottom, But Never The Middle (BIG MISTAKE)


So here’s where a lot of marketers mess up.


They build a funnel from top to bottom, launch it, and keep their eyes on THE TOP AND THE BOTTOM OF THE FUNNEL.


This is what happened to one of Keith’s clients at SegMetrics.


Their eyes were so busy being glued to reading the metrics assigned on the top and the bottom of the funnel, that they totally forgot about the middle.


They kept this going for 8 WHOLE MONTHS before they even realized that something was wrong with the funnel.


As Keith assessed the problem, they found that a part of the funnel, the email system, that had been running turned out to be bugging out. 


This happening cost them 80% of their leads who apparently haven’t been receiving much of their emails.


It was a facepalm moment because the clients knew that they F****** UP.


Luckily, they never lost their leads.


All they had to do was send them “WE F***** UP” emails (which works really well, because people appreciate companies showcasing their human side) to get back on track.


“We had a special re-warming sequence where we said, ‘Hey, WE  F***** UP’– And never discount the value of a ‘WE F***** UP’  email. I have made so much money for clients from an email like that. They’re totally worth it, and we just did it.


‘WE F***** UP’ email and sent them right back into that funnel.” 


So, How EXACTLY Did They Figure It Out?


Have you ever heard of the Billboard Effect?


It’s a simple concept that explains how people have no clue or any sort of data ABOUT A BILLBOARD’S PERFORMANCE. 


The same goes with marketing online.


YES, there may be data that we figured out through metrics and KPIs, but they’re not entirely accurate, are they?




We can track a SALE through conversion rates, but what about refunds?


I hope you’re getting the full picture now, but those tiny details that may seem insignificant apparently have a huge impact on your business.


That is what SegMetrics is for.


SegMetrics allows you to connect different marketing tools and platforms to help you build a full picture of data that you’ve collected through your marketing campaign all in one software.


And if you want to understand more about Segmetrics, check out their website now.


But I Don’t Want To Spend Extra For That, Ian.


DON’T WORRY, I have you covered.


Keith was kind enough to share a little tip with us to achieve the same results with a simple EXCEL SHEETS HACK.


So here’s what you do…


It is expected that you’d make a lot of changes to your campaign as you walk through your experimentations.


That is why every time that you make any major changes (not just a single word), take the time to write that down on a spreadsheet.


And every time that you do that, be sure to include the following:

  • Date of Change
  • Category (e.g. paid traffic site, blog post, etc.)
  • What you did in general
  • KPIs and Metrics (include the numbers)


By doing this, you have a better understanding of how the changes that you made affected your campaign.


“You look also at that spreadsheet and say, ‘Okay, well, we had an uptick in conversion on this day. Let’s see what we changed in the marketing that could have affected very much.’


We just take that, turn it into a nice UI, and then put it on all your reports by default. So when you’re looking at your conversion rate report, you instantly see a little note that says, ‘Hey, you changed something here.’


So when you see that big dip that goes like this, or the big dip that goes up into the right, you’re like, ‘Oh, this is what we did on this day.’”


Did you learn something from this episode?



Watch the full episode now, and make sure to leave any questions or comments you have about the episode.


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