How to Write Social Video Ads That Convert with Matt Johnston

If you search the internet for ways to create the best video ad, you’re going to get a TON OF DIFFERENT ANSWERS.


Because honestly, there isn’t one way to do it.


But there certainly are boring ways to do it.


But on this episode of the Garlic Marketing Show, Matt Johnston, the Founder of Guide Social, reveals his own thought process on creating that Video Ad that converts.



In this blogpost, you will learn about the 4 R’S THAT MAKE A VIDEO CONVERT.


As you read on, you will discover:

  • What the 4 R’s are
  • Why they are important
  • And how you could use them in your Video Ads


Before we proceed, don’t forget that this episode is brought to you by Click here if you need help collecting, crafting, and delivering customer stories.


How to Create a Video Ad that Converts

In this episode, Matt Johnston introduced a concept called the 4 Rs.


“I’d call it like the four Rs cause we all need these little methodologies. It’s RELATE-RILE-REVEAL-RELEASE. Essentially it’s PAIN-AGITATE-SOLVE, right?”


So what do they mean exactly? 


Let’s try to break them down.


Relating with Your Audience


The best way to get to your audience is by showing them that you know exactly what they’re going through.


Doing this builds credibility and trust between you and your audience.


“I think empathy is like the most important thing in life, personally. And it helps sell.”


Once you’ve captured their trust, it is easier to move on to the next steps of the sales process.


Rile Up the Problem


Now that you have their hearts, it’s time to focus on the problem and double down on how much of a hell they’re living in because of it.


I’m talking about emphasizing their struggles and how it’s making their life really difficult to live. 


This way it helps build their emotions up and amplify what they feel about their situation and living with their problems.


Reveal the Solution


Once their emotions get fired up, it’s time to REVEAL THE SOLUTION.


They are probably thinking, “Oh my gosh these problems are so annoying, and I’m getting (insert emotion here)! It would be great if I could get some help.”


As soon as you reveal yourself as the solution, you wouldn’t even need to sweat it, because there is no better time to offer a solution than NOW.




But sometimes, it would just take that extra effort to convince your audience that getting your solution is the best thing that they will ever do for themselves.


What can I say? The human mind is too lazy to even paint a picture of itself having the results that your solution promised.


So what you need to do is PAINT THE PICTURE FOR THEM.


Show them how life would be with your solution.


“You’re sort of having your future casting. Like, ‘If you sign up for this, your tension and stress will be released.’”


Want to discover more ways to create a video ad that converts?




Watch the full episode now, and make sure to leave any questions or comments you have about the episode.


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