Zeenk’s DTC Ads Analytics Strategy with Brian Eberman

It’s no secret that not all audiences are created equal. Some are more important, some are more engaged, and some are more lucrative. So how do you identify and tier your audience?



The first step is to understand the different types of audiences. 


There are three primary types: 

  • Prospective customers or clients  
  • Existing customers or clients  
  • Supporters or advocates


Once you’ve identified the different types of audiences, it’s important to determine which ones are most important to your business. 


You can do this by evaluating factors such as customer lifetime value, engagement levels, and profitability.


The next step is to create a strategy for each type of audience. 


“The simplest way, we believe, to operationalize is to tier your audience. So again, if you’re on Facebook, Google, TikTok, whatever platform company, right?


That’s where you’re making your money. It’s where you’re driving your ads. Most people build a campaign, a set of ad assets, a set of custom audiences, and lookalike audiences against it. We can build you a better target. That’ll be more profitable by looking at the value minus the cost.”


This will include determining what content is most relevant to them, as well as what channels you should use to reach them.


But before we proceed, don’t forget that this episode is brought to you by videocasestory.com. Click here if you need help collecting, crafting, and delivering customer stories.




When you’re creating content, it’s important to target the right audience. 


After all, if your content isn’t reaching the people who matter to your business, then you’re wasting your time. 


So how do you know who your target audience is? And once you know them, how do you reach them?


The first step is to understand who your ideal customer is. 


This is the person who is most likely to buy from you, and knowing their characteristics will help you define your target audience more clearly. 


Some factors to consider include age, gender, income level, occupation, and lifestyle.


Once you have a good idea of who your ideal customer is, it’s time to start targeting them. 


You can use data to learn about their interests and values. 


Once you have this information, you can create content that appeals to them specifically.


“When you hand over that audience data, you’re saying, ‘Hey, this is the audience that’s most valuable.’ What type of information are you giving about that audience so that they could build out a better ad set?”


If you want your content marketing efforts to be successful, it’s essential to target the right audience. 


By understanding who they are and what they want, you can create content that speaks directly to them.




What many people don’t realize is that your business strategy should be tailored to your specific business. 


There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to business strategy.


That means you need to take the time to understand your own business inside and out before you can create a successful strategy. 


What are your company’s strengths and weaknesses? 


What are your competitors doing? 


How can you differentiate yourself from the competition?


Once you have a clear understanding of your business, you can start developing a strategy that will help you achieve your goals. 


“That is a way of orienting not just your analytics processes, but your strategy, around how you think about your business, right? How you focus on, not the averages, but orient your business, your analytics, your marketing, your product, your support, your description of your product around your best customers that are gonna make you the most.”


Your strategy should include both short-term and long-term goals, as well as specific steps you will take to reach those goals. 


It’s important to be realistic in setting your goals, and also to be willing to adapt as needed along the way. 


Watch the full episode now, and make sure to leave any questions or comments you have about the episode.

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