Beating Hard Times with Hard Work and Focus feat. Lindsey Anderson

Have you been thinking about talking to a business coach, or joining a mastermind, but just can’t make the decision?

Many entrepreneurs have a problem investing in themselves and their business for the first time.

It’s important to remember that this investment is not lost money, it will pay for itself multiple times down the road.

Lindsey Anderson joins us for a conversation about how she owed $100,000 in back taxes to the IRS, was being sued, and had tons of overhead from running a large office with multiple employees. After hitting the reset button she was able to create a successful business and regain her financial footing. Joining a mastermind, hiring a business coach and hard work allowed her to overcome hard times.

Are you ready to see your business become more successful than you can imagine?

Put your head down, do the work and most importantly take it one step at a time.

More about Lindsey

Reading Now:

Mindset Principle:

  • Don’t expect immediate results

Business Advice:

  • Join a mastermind and get a coach

Favorite Quote:

  • “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

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