Thomas DeLauer joins Ian Garlic for this weeks Morning Marketing Mindsets.
This episode they discuss shifting the paradigm of success and share the best mentalities to surpass a one track mind.
Being afraid is a natural mindset. So, how do you harness the fear?
Thomas and Ian discuss embracing the fear and share perceptions that will help you neutralize and grasp the fear.
How do you move into a state of flow of creativity from a typical goal oriented mentality. Thomas shares tips to get into a creative state even when it isn’t appealing.
When things done work in marketing it’s painful, change your mentality and surpass the pain. Thomas introduces a technique to change the route of your current situations through kinesthetic awareness.
This is a mindset that you should always keep in your back pocket!
What’s your slight improvement?
Marketing is like the gym, you don’t always want to do it and sometimes it may be downright ugly. But, we push through.
Every day we should make slight improvements, you can’t wait to feel just right for it… Push past your limits and watch your improvements stack up.