Dr. Ben Adkins is an internet guru for Closer’s Cafe and practicing chiropractor with expertise in creating Facebook ads. However, he needed to get more customers through his door, thus he turned to the magic of Facebook ads.
Dr. Adkins started his own chiropractic business and needed to market it without burning a hole in his wallet. He started studying his clientele and luckily, the year 2011 was the year Facebook was changing the internet.
Keep it Simple, Stupid.
Not everything is going to work for marketing, in fact very little WILL work. But, for Dr. Adkins, he found that the SIMPLE steps gave him the best rewards. The SIMPLER, the BETTER. And with the simple steps, he was able to move it to other businesses because it was simple to teach. Keep it SIMPLE, stupid!
“50,000 things that I did, didn’t work, but about 10 things did.”
Dr. Adkins started becoming an expert at these 10 fundamental techniques that WORKED. He perfected his own business which then made other marketing firms flock to Adkins! With his 10 fundamental techniques, he was able to transport the same fundamentals to other businesses EASY.
Find Your RED ENVELOPE For 70% Close.
It’s easy to promote a Facebook ad, get someone to click, and end up on your landing page, but picking up the phone is the hard part. Training your staff to know how to close the deal and win the sale is where we’re left scratching our heads. How can you land a 70% close, like Adkins? Find your RED ENVELOPE.
Dr. Adkins knew no one wanted chiropractic services until they needed it. However, he knew that everyone wants a massage or a FREE massage. Adkins would give his customers a red envelope at the end of their massage which gave them a FREE extra 15 minutes tacked onto their next massage if they booked RIGHT NOW.
He used the service that they already wanted to lure the customers back in and guarantee a return rate. If you get someone to come in twice, it’s all over, they are SOLD.
Spoon Feed Your Customers.
Adkins final and almighty secret for Facebook Ads: give people a REASON to come in.
No one wants to go to the chiropractor until they HAVE to go. BUT, everyone wants a massage. Specifically, one of Adkins ads was geared towards mothers for mother’s day. Who deserves a free chair massage? MOMS.
Adkins found that relating your business and promotions towards people’s LIVES and who THEY are, guarantees a high return rate and the IDEAL customers you’re looking for. We care about who YOU are and what you have going on in YOUR life, so we want to GIVE you this (insert your promotion). Give your customers the reason WHY it’s about THEM. Spoon feed your customers and chances are they’ll eat it up!
Check out the podcast to hear the rest of Adkins marketing secrets for Facebook ads and find you red envelope for the 70% close!
What You’ll Learn:
- Why you need to know the fundamentals of your marketing strategy, and how you can leverage them
- A super simple and effective way to make image ads better
- The Key Questions you need to be asking before you launch Facebook Ads
- How one red envelope generated a 70% close rate
- And more!
Connect with Dr. Ben Adkins:
Links & Resources:
- Free Training for Business Professionals
- Garlicface.com
- Episode 109: The Psychology Behind Marty Maddin’s Success
- Episode 108: What’s in Your Toolbox? Brady Patterson’s Guide to Building Your Online Course