Are you harnessing the power of public speaking in your business? Are you leveraging it to win the attention customers and influence purchasing decisions? The basis of all marketing is the ability to influence others to take action. We all want to influence thousands of people, the place most people think of using? The internet. […]
Cultivating The Right Mindset
How important is cultivating the right mindset? Can you really achieve more just by getting into the right mindset? You will be faced with new challenges everyday. The way you think about these challenges can have a huge impact on your life and business. We are often looking at our competition and think that what’s […]
My Number One Stock Tip
What should you invest in? Where should you put your hard earned cash to protect yourself against unstable market conditions? The news you see in the market is already old news. No matter how much time you spend learning about these companies, you don’t know. I was a trader for a large hedge fund for […]
Megan Harrison: How To Create An Online Course
Have you ever considered creating an course? Are you held back by a feeling there are too many courses in your area of expertise already? Maybe you’re wondering how it could help your business. Inbound marketing is about education. It’s about teaching your clients and creating courses is a great way to educate people. Not only […]
The Second Most Used Search Engine
Are you taking advantage of the second most used search engine? Video can outperform all other forms of marketing. It’s also a powerful tool for delivering value and building relationships. In this episode I explain the importance of using video as content marketing strategy to become more known, liked, and trusted. You are not just […]
Sharon Fisher: Play with a Purpose
Events are no longer just events. They have the ability to educate people about your brand whether it is an internal event or not. The best events include a hands on aspect to get everyone involved. You can learn more about a person from an hour of play than in a year of conversation. How […]
Your Marketing Graveyard
We all have a graveyard of projects that were never finished. Other projects either get in the way or we gave up when things got difficult. These projects are not necessarily bad, it might have just been bad timing. Can you imagine what our lives would be like if Apple didn’t go back and look […]
Best Practices Are for the Average
Are you constantly searching for best practices to get your business to the next level? The best practices that are available will only give you average results. The true key to success is to focus on the thing only you can do. Learn why best practices produce average results, and how to counteract those average […]
Damien Rufus: Building a Legacy
Everyone wants results but forget that systems need time to start working. Are you intimidated by inbound marketing or wondering how you can have the spare time to setup a new system? We are joined in this episode by Damien Rufus, a certified Infusionsoft expert who helps small businesses develop inbound marketing systems. Damien shares […]
Tom Schwab: Inbound for Ecommerce
Are you interested in growing your business and not just your sales? Adjust your strategy, stop chasing transactions and focus on your inbound marketing. In this episode our guest is Tom Schwab a former nuclear engineer, who owns a medical supply company and is at the forefront of taking businesses to the next level on […]