“Don’t try to win over the haters; you are not a jackass whisperer.” – Brené Brown I was listening to the audio book version of Brené Brown’s book, “The Gift of Imperfection” as I am preparing to launch my F1 Marketing Campaign. Part of her message is embracing authenticity and confronting shame to live out our […]
The Stand Up Comedian Mindset
I often talk to business owners that are immediately afraid that their marketing materials will be stolen. These business owners want to protect their content and their “brand”. They are afraid that their photos are going to be reproduced, that someone will duplicate their techniques. The greatest standup comedians in the world go out and […]
The Panting Dog Mindset
The Malaysian Mindset
This blog post has nothing to do with Malaysia, except the airliner. It’s been missing for some time. I would have to say possibly entering a cold war with Russia is globally more important than figuring out where this plane is. Yet, the world is still more intrigued by the mysterious disappearance. This story, and the […]
The authentic MINDSET
I was crossing the Throgs Neck Bridge when I first heard authenticity defined. I was listening to Seth Godin’s “All Marketers are Liars”. I understood the world was changing for business. This was before the big Facebook revolution, but it was close. I knew the noise was becoming both a detriment and a opportunity. The […]
The Hunting Mindset
I do not hunt. I certainly do not condone The Most Dangerous Game. Yet growing a small business in the digital age is very much like hunting. If you want faster, higher return results you need a Laser Focused Hunting Mindset. Although I have never hunted, I have partaken in the bounty of the hunt […]
Mindset Monday : Playing out of the rough
The Why of Mindset Monday
Your day can get away from you. Your week. Your year. Your career. Your life. In these days of information overload, its easy to put our head down and just grind through work. It’s easy to find urgent work: the “false” urgent of the email inbox, completion of a mundane task with no real purpose. […]
Chipping Away : The Michelangelo Mindset
Many people think that one thing is going change their business. There is not one thing that happens either to make or break your business. It is a combination. Michelangelo did not create David in a day. There were studies after studies he created in drawings, sometimes improving, sometimes not. And then he chipped away. […]
Stop Thinking Linearly
With the age of the internet, we have moved far away from linear thinking. We have stopped deciding linearly. I don’t think we ever really decided linearly. However, before the internet, our research for businesses like yours was limited generally to word of mouth/referrals, advertising, your basic marketing materials and the yellow pages. An occasional press […]