I love to read on the topic of entrepreneurship. I especially love biographies and autobiographies. There are two big themes I have seen in all successful people. One consistent theme is overcoming adversity. The second theme consistent with success is it’s sister, the Growth Mindset. The Growth Mindset, as framed by Carol Dweck in the […]
The Labor Day Mindset
Duplicating The Ice Bucket Challenge Success
Many look to the Ice Bucket Challenge and say, “I want that marketing success!” Unfortunately, their mindset may lead them down the wrong path to duplicating the success of the ice bucket challenge. I see 4 key Mindsets to duplicating the success of the Ice Bucket challenge in your marketing. Warning: There is some instruction ahead, […]
Punctuated Equilibrium Mindset
That’s a big phrase, Punctuated Equilibrium. I promise this could be a life changing mindset. My Punctuated Equilibrium At Rollins College, we had a thing called J Term, where we took a course in January that was completely outside of your major. One year, I took evolutionary biology. That was the class that brought about the […]
The Fat and Unprofessional Mindset
“You look fat and unprofessional.” That heading probably got your attention. Many people have at least one of those insecurities – “I look fat” or “I look unprofessional” – bouncing around in their head, preventing them from marketing, or doing their best marketing. There is always going to be a reason not to market or do your most […]
The Top Performer Mindset
Searching for Social Media Marketing Success Mindset
The 1% Mindset
This post does not discuss economic inequality. This is about improvement. Two time internet maven, Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappos, portends the power of the 1% mindset. At Zappos, they try to improve 1% daily, an incremental improvement. Judging that Amazon bought Zappos for a 10 figure sum at the bottom of the recession, I […]